Case Study: JWLand

How Integrated Construction Systems Help JWLand Hit a $150M+ Annual Turnover

Firm Type

Principle Contractor

Primary Industry

Commercial & Residential Property Development

Operating Regions



JWLand is an Australian property development company. It is a significant participant the residential property industry, particularly in Canberra, where its headquarters are located. Subsidiaries within the group also operate numerous low-density development projects across Australia.

A ‘No Brainer’ for Streamlined Processes

Integration is the key to streamlining processes, says Don Fowler, JWLand’s SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment & Quality) Manager.

“Having 1Breadcrumb be able to speak to other software that we also use, such as Procore, gives us the ability to extract data, records and reports. It’s very effective and has saved me so much time as we move towards a paperless office.”

The joint Procore and 1Breadcrumb system comes into its own when Don does an inspection in Procore and needs to access a subcontractor’s induction record or licences. “I can actually drag it straight out of 1Breadcrumb and drop it into an inspection,” he said.

Consistency Across Worksites

He finds it gives him more control over each JWLand project whether they’re in the ACT or elsewhere. 

Don says: “The consistency of our induction processes is due to 1Breadcrumb. It helps give us a secure site from the turnstile stage to identify who’s on site at any given time. In an emergency evacuation scenario, this app lets me send push notifications to everyone on site in an instant. That’s critical for safety.“

Inductions Done Differently

The integration has transformed their former “clunky paper-based approach” for inductions, explains Don. “Prior to 1Breadcrumb, if we had to induct three or four people in a morning, that would chew up a couple of hours. It needed to be updated significantly, and was a mess.”

“Now, we’re talking 10 or 15 minutes to do our inductions. It’s streamlined our induction process.” JWLand’s SHEQ Coordinator Paul Murphy agrees, saying he “couldn’t live without” this integration. “Procore and 1Breadcrumb work together really well. The fact that they link and talk to each other makes life so easy for us.”

“I really like that you can have it on your mobile phone and be on site and have access to all that info.”

The Power of Notifications

And JWLand has experienced a couple of surprising spinoffs thanks to 1Breadcrumb resulting in a feel-good vibe and alerting everyone to a rogue parking inspector on site.

Paul says: “I get a lot of people who park their cars in silly places near project sites, so it’s my favourite thing to be able to tell everyone on site that they’ve got to move their car… at other times, I’ll send ‘happy birthday” messages to people using the app, too.”

Fitting their Way of Working

Meanwhile, Aaron Ackland, JWLand’s joint director, says he appreciates the way 1Breadcrumb adapts to his company’s processes. 1Breadcrumb and Procore are part of his company’s focus on being a “safe, clean and more environmentally conscious builder”. 

“We are always looking at efficiencies to reduce costs and environmental impacts. The way we’ve built our system from the corporate tier all the way down to project level has allowed us to streamline the process and procedure, and ensure these key metrics are met.

“Both Procore and 1Breadcrumb are adaptive enough to cover off everything we need for our safety and quality needs.” Don echoes this saying he recommends the integration to anybody who’s “serious about providing oversight over your subcontractor workforce”.

“The input, feedback and resources that we get from the staff at 1Breadcrumb has also been fantastic and helpful.”

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